Elder and Sister Leavitt are currently serving their mission in the Nigeria Enugu Mission. Their assignment to support the Missionary force of 84 wonderful missionaries, their passion...THE CHILDREN OF AFRICA. As we have served and travelled within our mission boundries we have encountered amazing children both in and out of the Church. With Sister Garff our Mission President's wife as a contributer, we have taken pictures of these wonderful children. We have designed this Blog to share these pictures with our family and friends...along with comments and verse...ENJOY!
A typical village scene with the children eating their chicken, rice and pounded yam. They love to wear pretty dresses ( often 2-3 sizes too big for them). Their favorite thing, to have their picture taken.
Being good (as they should) waiting for "Auntie" to start Primary....Miracle, Sucess and Kozi (don't you love their names). Children in the Abakaliki Mission Branch Primary.
When we visited the Afikpo Branch, these two little boys stirred our hearts with their awful white shirts...they wanted to look nice for church. We started a campaign with our family to raise money to buy 10 white shirts and 10 ties for each of our five mission branches. THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all who donated...we have met our goal and delivered 20 white shirts and 20 ties to our first two mission branches last Sunday, Afikpo and Okposi. We will send pictures later of the "shirt makeover"...
As Elder & Sister Leavitt approached the entrance to the Iruekpen Branch for Sunday services...here came two little boys...stark naked. When their big sister tried to grab them to put their clothes on, they would only allow her to put shoes on their feet...hey, it was hot, we don't blame them...do you?
While at the Aba Temple, this little girl, Mary Elizabeth, was sealed to her parents. While waiting for Mom outside, Sister Leavitt got to take her picture...what a beautiful little spirit she is...don't you think?
Normally when they see Sister Leavitt with her camera they come running. But not the little boy in the red sweater...he saw her and started screaming. Sister Leavitt had to stand on the opposite side of the street and use her zoom to get his picture...look at that angry little face.